Agency Contest

You be the judge.

5 years of cultivation.

AAB would like to invite you to take advantage of our extensive list of clients.

Here is the story:

AAB understood the need to drive clients to agency websites, and to introduce clients to the best creative solutions and case stories available.

We saw this as the most efficient way to leverage existing agency assets, while encouraging clients to contact agencies – rather than agencies cold-calling clients.

We developed our creative contest format, which we titled the American Ad Books (AAB) Showcase Awards.

Online contests are a proven magnet.

Across the country, creative directors flocked to our solution...

And company presidents and CEOs were attracted as well:

In today's post COVID environment, agencies have developed ways to service clients from any city at any time. Your new business possibilities are about to take off.

What we had in mind.

Agencies need to be invited to participate in our creative contests.

AAB constantly surveys each city for the most creative shops. We create a list of 10 firms and we catalog their online portfolios. Then we prepare an entry for them and ask them to approve our proof.

Once that proof is approved, their work is displayed in an online contest of 5 national agencies and presented to our members to review. Website and contact links are prominent.

That is what we would like to do for you.

Access your proof.

Your proof is ready to be approved.

Follow the instructions at this link, and you are good to go.

How this helps you.

Did I mention this was free?

The point is to make promoting your agency painless.

No entry fee. No prep time. No nothing.

We do ask that you have a majority of the members of your agency staff vote for your own entry, and then support other agencies and professional creatives by voting in their contests. This is truly a case of "I help you, and you help me."

Which, in turn, helps you again.

We have just 2 spots available. Get back to me ASAP.

Greg Clow

Director, AAB Showcase Awards

Your Proof